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Servizio di distribuzione di comunicati stampa in collaborazione con Adnkronos Comunicazione

(Adnkronos) - HAMBURG, Germany, Jan. 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- In recent weeks, the real estate startup "THE RISE" sparked controversies: In the typical style of investment videos, its charming CEO advertised the ingeniously unscrupulous idea of selling parcels of land far from the coast, which might be by the sea soon – due to rising sea

(Adnkronos) - NEEDHAM, Mass., Jan. 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- SharkNinja today announces the appointment of Victoria Azarian to SVP Global Creative, reporting directly to Chief Marketing Officer, Bill Davaris. 

"Victoria's vast brand experience and immense knowledge of storytelling will help us all achieve a new level of quality

(Adnkronos) - Roma, 11 gennaio 2023 «Nel 2022 la Rai ha abusato del canone che gli italiani sono obbligati a pagare per fare propaganda ideologica gender e LGBTQ nei suoi programmi: con una petizione firmata in 24 ore già da 15.000 cittadini chiediamo quindi al Governo di intervenire sulla dirigenza Rai per impedire che nel 2023

(Adnkronos) - NEW YORK, Jan. 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- "We're thrilled to partner with Anis and Matthias as they leverage the latest developments in AI generation and natural language understanding to superpower sales organizations," Hadley Harris, from Eniac Ventures. "We love working with repeat founders and couldn't be happier with the

(Adnkronos) - BEIJING, Jan. 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- China Matters releases a talk show series on the development of southwest China's Guizhou Province. The six-episode talk show, named The Talk with Guizhou, invites six guests from China and abroad to share their views on topics such as how Guizhou promotes rural revitalization, how local

(Adnkronos) - Venezia, 11 gennaio 2023. Superbonus 110% e paralisi delle cessioni dei crediti alle banche: il Tribunale di Venezia, con ordinanza comunicata il 10 gennaio 2023, ha rigettato la richiesta cautelare del cliente che si era visto bloccato l’iter per la cessione del credito relativo al superbonus 110%, pur avendo dato incarico

(Adnkronos) - BEIJING, Jan. 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been playing an important role in China's fight against COVID-19.  

As China is shifting the focus of its COVID-19 response from preventing infections to protecting people's health and preventing severe cases, the unique strength of TCM

(Adnkronos) - Torino, 11/01/2022 - Per curare una serie di patologie e fastidi legati all'apparato digestivo oppure a quello scheletrico e muscolare, vengono usati spesso integratori a base di Bromelina. 

Si tratta di un enzima proveniente dal gambo dell'ananas, che apporta una serie di benefici all'organismo e solitamente viene

(Adnkronos) - NEW YORK, Jan. 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Nobu Hospitality will open five new hotels in 2023, including Rome, Marrakech, Atlantic City, San Sebastián, and Toronto. With recent announcements of Bangkok and Abu Dhabi, the 32nd property to join the portfolio, the brand continues to grow globally with a strong development

(Adnkronos) - Milano, 11/01/23 – Il renting e la sostenibilità si incontrano. Da un lato disporre di un qualsiasi bene strumentale, dagli impianti industriali a quelli tecnologici agli arredi, attraverso il pagamento di un canone programmato e pianificato, dall’altro ottenere la certificazione Carbon Cancelling®, che

(Adnkronos) - HOHHOT, China, Jan. 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Nowadays, health awareness is growing across the world. As a crucial indicator of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all is also an essential goal for dairy producers. On January 3, Yili launched a new platform themed

(Adnkronos) - MANAMA, Bahrain, Jan. 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Citi Bahrain has celebrated the first anniversary of its Global Technology Hub, which is on track to employ 1000 Bahraini coders over ten years. Currently, the hub comprises of 110 Bahraini employees, out of which 91 Bahrainis have started at the Citi Seef premises, with 19

(Adnkronos) - RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Jan. 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Saudi Arabian Mining Company (Ma'aden) announces that it has entered into an agreement with Ivanhoe Electric (IE) that will see Ma'aden subscribing to new shares in IE resulting in a 9.9% equity interest for USD126 million. As part of the agreement, Ma'aden and IE will also

(Adnkronos) - MIAMI, Jan. 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Crystal Lagoons and Israel share two things in common, a love of technology and a desire to improve the quality of life through innovation. It is precisely in this country, one of the most innovative in the world, that the multinational entered a new agreement to develop Public Access

(Adnkronos) - Company Launches HG Portugal and Grows Platform in the UK 

LONDON, Jan. 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Highgate, a leading hotel management, investment, technology, and development company, has announced two significant European developments – the launch of HG Portugal and the relaunch of the Dorsett City London

(Adnkronos) - Michele Armenise, Ceo Axians Italia: “Dalla fusione di Axians Brand id, Saiv e Sirecom nasce un nuovo soggetto più forte e più completo per il mercato” 

Roma, 11 gennaio 2023. Dalla fusione di Axians Brand id SpA, Axians Saiv SpA e Axians Sirecom srl, nasce Axians Italia SPA. Le tre

(Adnkronos) - Milano, 11 Gennaio 2022. Richiedere un finanziamento per fronteggiare le spese è diventata ormai una prassi diffusa tra le aziende italiane, che in questi ultimi mesi si sono trovate a dover sostenere dei costi decisamente più elevati del previsto. Fortunatamente, esistono delle soluzioni che consentono di ottenere