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Servizio di distribuzione di comunicati stampa in collaborazione con Adnkronos Comunicazione

(Adnkronos) - VANCOUVER, BC, July 19, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Clínica Universidad de Navarra has completed a randomised controlled study of Ondine Biomedical's nasal photodisinfection technology in fully vaccinated COVID-19 patients with early symptoms of COVID-19. 

"Top-line results from this clinical trial suggest that

(Adnkronos) - NEW YORK, July 19, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- DarwinHealth, Inc., a New York-based biotechnology and cancer drug discovery company announces the July 19, 2022 online publication in Communications Biology (a Nature Portfolio peer-reviewed journal) of a foundational paper focused on new approaches to antiviral drug discovery, "A

(Adnkronos) - Stefano Sarti - former Executive Director of ARC Europe Group and Europ Assistance - joins hlpy to start the international scale up 

MILAN, July 19, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- hlpy, the Italian start-up that is reshaping the world of roadside assistance, announces the appointment of Stefano Sarti. The former Managing

(Adnkronos) - THE HAGUE, Netherlands, July 19, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- On its journey to strengthen and unify the global payments ecosystem, TerraPay - a leading global payments infrastructure company has partnered with SendMN NBFI. Based out of Mongolia, SendMN is a leading money transmitter & non-bank financial institution. Through this

(Adnkronos) - Sicurezza, flessibilità, ergonomia ed eco-sostenibilità: ecco i fattori decisivi per il futuro delle costruzioni 

Colturano (Milano), 19 luglio 2022. Doka presenterà il suo nuovo segmento dedicato ai ponteggi al bauma 2022 - 33a edizione della più grande fiera dell’edilizia su scala

(Adnkronos) - La gestione e destinazione dei beni sequestrati per la confisca alla criminalità organizzata vale molti miliardi di Euro. Il legislatore deve dare udienza agli addetti ai lavori se vuole ottenere risultati concreti  

Roma, 19 luglio 2022 - A trent’anni dalle stragi di Capaci e via D’Amelio, che

(Adnkronos) - LONDON, July 19, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Passport holders with the greatest global access are currently the most restricted and reluctant to enjoy their travel freedom, according to the latest results from the Henley Passport Index, which is based on exclusive and official data from the International Air Transport

(Adnkronos) - "Vista of the Green Silk Road" launching ceremony held in Beijing 

LONDON, July 19, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- The launching ceremony of the "Vista of the Green Silk Road" program was co-hosted by the BRI International Green Development Coalition (BRIGC) and the "Belt and Road" Media Cooperation Union (MCU) on July 12 in

(Adnkronos) - BANGUI, Central African Republic, July 19, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- The world was taken by surprise when the President of CAR , Faustin-Archange Touadéra, made his announcement regarding the adoption of Bitcoin as legal tender on the 21th of April and then with the following implementation of the SANGO Coin (

(Adnkronos) - La boutique di consulenza finanziaria, controllata dalla portoghese Ibisco, prosegue l’espansione nel nostro Paese  

Milano, 18 luglio 2022 - In data 24 giugno 2022, C CAPITAL SRL ha acquisito, con atto notarile, il 70% di SAIT SRL. 

SAIT (, fondata nel a 1975 a Chiuduno (Bergamo),

(Adnkronos) - Pesaro, 18/07/2022 - In una società in forte digitalizzazione come quella attuale, curare la propria presenza online è un passo fondamentale: si tratta di una necessità piuttosto che una semplice opzione. Questo assunto trova una forte conferma nei numeri che riguardano i principali campi del digital

(Adnkronos) - SHENZHEN, China, July 18, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- At the Win-Win·Huawei Innovation Week, David Wang, Executive Director of the Board and Chairman of the ICT Infrastructure Managing Board of Huawei, delivered a keynote speech titled "Innovation, Lighting up the 5.5G Era". In his speech, Wang spoke about the next evolution of

(Adnkronos) - Completamente rinnovata, più semplice e intuitiva con l’introduzione di nuove funzioni per una migliore user experience 

Modena, 18 luglio 2022 - È stata rilasciata da BPER Banca la nuova versione della App Smart Banking, rinnovata per offrire all’utente un’esperienza digitale ancora

(Adnkronos) - NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C., July 18, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- SHL Medical (hereinafter referred to as "SHL") has revealed plans for a new manufacturing site in the US, in response to the growing market demand for its autoinjector product portfolio. The decision stems from SHL's strategic assessments in extending its production to

(Adnkronos) - 18 luglio 2022 - Parte il 20 luglio con l’atteso concerto di Fabrizio Bosso la terza edizione di LAZIO Sound Festival: dal 20 al 24 luglio ai piedi del suggestivo castello del litorale laziale il principale appuntamento annuale con il programma musicale della Regione Lazio che, oltre al grande jazzista, vedrà sul

(Adnkronos) - The launch of the platform marks the two-wheeled industry's entry into the era of intelligent manufacturing 

CHANGZHOU, China, July 18, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Horwin, a new pure electric motorcycle brand recently launched by HORWIN INC, has released the first two-wheel integrated intelligent chassis platform globally