Ziggy Cup 2: Made to protect, worn to be free
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Ziggy Cup 2: Made to protect, worn to be free

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(Adnkronos) - LONDON, Jan. 31, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- A couple of years ago, Intimina launched Ziggy Cup, the world's first reusable menstrual cup that can be worn during partnered sex. Following the huge success of the Intimina bestseller, Intimina decided to take a step further and add a bit more spice to the original one and invented

Ziggy Cup™ 2: the next generation flat-fit menstrual cup. Here it is in a nutshell: 

Intimina survey in which more than 1000 women participated revealed a menstrual cup can make periods easier to handle. Cup users reported experiencing fewer, less severe cramps while using the cup, odor reduction and dryness down. Besides that, their confidence has increased, and it is noted that they feel more comfortable with their body since switching to a cup.  



In a global survey conducted a while ago, among more than 500 participants, ages 18-50 years, INTIMINA discovered that 82% of women have sex on their period. Period sex is now better, cleaner, and more comfortable ever thanks to Ziggy Cup 2 which allows standard penetration without any interruptions.  

A size will perfectly fit if you have a low cervix, light to medium flow, or you want to get used to menstrual discs. On the other hand, B size is designed to collect everything from light to heavier flow and fit people with a higher cervix.  

Menstrual cups really are proving themselves to be the superior alternative to pads and tampons as we can see the significant increase of menstrual cup users. And this doesn't come as a surprise. There are numerous reasons women switch to cups: health benefits, longer wear time, money-saving, protecting the environment, comfort. Ziggy cup 2 is totally eco-friendly, from the product itself to packaging, which is now wholly made from carton. 

A woman's period should never limit her possibilities. Intimina believes women should be offered more choice, control, and freedom during the period. There is no room for shame and embarrassment, especially with the help of menstrual cups designed for a comfortable period experience, such as the Ziggy cup 2; there should be no more reasons to miss out on all the freedom.  

Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1735337/INTIMINA.jpg  


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